The Autobots find themselves in dire straits. William ‘Sparkplug’ Witwicky, the human who had offered to find a way to convert Earth’s fuels for their needs has been kidnapped by the evil Decepticons, and they don’t have enough fuel to pursue. Defeated, they return to the Ark to gather what fuel they can from their supplies to mount a rescue operation. Upon returning to their fortress, the Decepticons begin ‘persuading’ Sparkplug to convert fuel for them, as he’d offered to do for the Autobots. But the activities of the Transformers haven’t gone unnoticed. The White House and Kremlin are both loast when it comes to reports of these giant shape-changing robots, and Nick Fury doesn’t have any answers. But one man, a reporter from the Daily Bugle, might be able to get to the bottom of things… Spider-Man.
Release Year | 1984 |
Variant | B |
Cover Artist | Mike Zeck |
Issue No. | 3 |
Writer | Jim Salicrup |
Penciller | Frank Springer |
Grade | Very Fine |
Publisher | Marvel Comics |
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