Celebrate 250 issues of the longest-running video game based comic series, Sonic the Hedgehog, with ‘When Worlds Collide’ Part Nine of Twelve! The final act of the crossover mega-event starts here as Sonic and Mega Man stand united against the Wily Egg – and backing them up are all their heroic friends. Standing against them are the Robot Masters-all of them! Let the battle begin! At a whopping 48 pages, this double-sized issue features a special, digitally remastered re-presentation of the first Sonic the Hedgehog issue! Also featuring a stunning new wrap-around cover by Patrick ‘SPAZ’ Spaziante. Plus, choose your favorite hero with the ‘Team Sonic’ and ‘Team Mega Man’ CHIBI variant covers! Continued in this month’s Mega Man #27!
Release Year | 2013.0 |
Variant | C |
Issue No. | 250.0 |
Writer | Ian Flynn |
Penciller | Ben Bates |
Grade | Very Fine / Near Mint |
Publisher | Archie Comic Publications |
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