A series of unexplained, violent crimes on Election Day around the U.S. leads the FBI to zero in on a covert group of Russian terrorists. When a Texas journalism student named Miriam accidentally finds herself mixed up in the investigation, her life will never be the same. With political espionage, treason, and even mind control, can she clear her name and stop the U.S. from entering into a new Cold War? From writer Stephanie Phillips (Butcher of Paris, ARTEMIS AND THE ASSASSIN, DESCENDENT) and artist Robert Carey (Aliens: Resistance, James Bond) comes a fast-paced political thriller that explores the dark history of U.S./Russian relations.
Release Year | 2020.0 |
Variant | B |
Issue No. | 1.0 |
Grade | Near Mint |
Publisher | AfterShock Comics |
Only 4 left in stock
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