The Avengers investigate rising hostilities between Latveria, home of Dr. Doom, and Symkaria, a neighbor on the brink of declaring war to defend themselves from what seems to be Doom’s air strikes. At the center of the problems is mysterious structure, an Array, that the team can’t explain what it does or why Doom put it there. To another team, it’s all too familiar. Soon a caravan of vehicles makes its way to the Array to see if they can put an end to it. Spider-Man is captured when the Avengers find a way in, and have to evacuate before they lose Cap too. The call goes out for reinforcements and Falcon and Ms. Marvel respond. Megatron gives Spider-Man the standard villain’s expositions while The Autobots roll up on the quibbling Avengers and tell them to let them handle the fight. Will the Avengers see these giant robots as friends … or the foes responsible for this war?
Release Year | 2007 |
Issue No. | 1.0 |
Writer | Stuart Moore |
Penciller | Tyler Kirkham |
Grade | Near Mint – |
Publisher | Marvel Comics and IDW Publishing |
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