A mysterious woman named Ashema appears before Franklin Richards, calling herself a Celestial. She claims he’s created another universe where his parents, Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman – and all the other heroes who “died” because of Onslaught – exist. The problem is, Franklin doesn’t know anything about it! Meanwhile, the Hulk is oozing radioactive energy and the universe appears to be coming apart at the seems! Ashema gives Franklin an ultimatum: it’s time to clean up his experiment and put his toys away, but in deference to the great “god” he obviously is, she’s going to let him decide which universe he’ll destroy! And when he asks his famous parents what to do, they have no idea who he is or what he’s talking about! Can a child decide between two universes? What will happen to the universe that gets the short end of the metaphysical stick? And how will all of this lead to the upcoming return of the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, the Avengers and Captain America? The questions all of fandom are asking will be answered here!
Release Year | 1997.0 |
Variant | A |
Issue No. | 1.0 |
Writer | Peter David |
Penciller | Salvador Larroca |
Grade | Near Mint |
Publisher | Marvel Comics |
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